
Showing posts from October, 2021

What Are The Disadvantages Of Vinyl Fencing?

Vinyl fencing is a more long-lasting, affordable, and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional, wooden fencing. It comes in many different styles and colors so you can match your new fence to your aesthetic preference. That being said, vinyl fences are not the perfect solution for every home or yard. Here are some of the disadvantages of vinyl fences that you should be aware of before making a purchasing decision, otherwise for more help, you can get in touch with a fence company in Seattle and get the best help.  1. Inexperienced Installers Vinyl fencing is a fairly easy type of fencing to install if you hire a professional. If you decide to put up your own fence, it could be a project that takes many days to complete, which can get very frustrating if you're not used to doing home improvement projects. You might need a helper or you might need to call in a professional depending on the size and complexity of the project. If you know your way around tools and hav

5 Things To Consider When Building A New Fence

  Building a fence can be a great way to add a level of security and protection to your property. There are a few things you should consider before starting the process though, in order to avoid any potential pitfalls or mistakes.  Though, if you need professional help you can consider getting help from a fence company near Bellevue WA .  Fences can be an easy way to turn your yard into a functional outdoor space, but it's important you remember some of the rules of fence design before building one. Here are 5 Things To Consider When Building a New Fence.  1. Your neighbors and your neighbor's property- First and foremost, be sure to think about the well-being of your neighbors when you are designing your fence. A common mistake people make is making a wood or metal fence too close to their own property (on the property line). The problem with this is that if their own property becomes damaged by lightning, falling limbs, or erosion due to strong winds, they may need to take ac

8 Types Of Wood Fences

  Wood fences are a low-maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, and effective way to show off the natural beauty of your outdoor space. Wooden fencing also gives you many unique design opportunities that other types of fences cannot provide. With this helpful list of types and descriptions, deciding on the type of wood fence for your property can be done in no time! Wood Fence Types: Wood picket fences:  Picket wood fences are very common in yards with small children. The posts are spaced closely enough to keep the kids from wandering away, yet far enough apart to give them room to play and enjoy themselves. They're great for both landscape and home use because they require minimal maintenance and look good almost anywhere.  Vertical wood fences:  Vertical wood fences are the most popular type of fence in almost any residential home or business. They are seen virtually everywhere, from city sidewalks to the city's office buildings. They are also a very good choice for homes wit

4 Key Benefits Of Composite Decks

  Composite deck options are becoming increasingly popular. Several homeowners are choosing to go with a composite deck fence over other decking materials such as pressure-treated lumber, cedar, or redwood. It is tough enough to choose just one type of deck and there are many factors to consider in the style and design of your deck. But before you can decide which is best for your home and your family, you need to know what the different benefits are so you can pick the right one for your needs. 4 Key Benefits of Composite Decks 1. Low- maintenance - Wood decks are versatile. Although the material is strong and durable, it is also comfortable to work with. A composite deck is much like laminate flooring in that the construction materials are easy to maintain and they will not fade or crack. This makes them very popular for homeowners who have children or pets who like to play on the decks. You can easily wash off debris without having to replace any parts, so you don't have to wo

How Much Does It Cost To Fence A Yard?

  You’ve just ordered a new dog and you want to give him the best home possible. The first order of business is installing a fence. Check out our blog post on how much it costs to fence a yard or fence installation costs ! We take you through the different materials, fences, and general pricing for fencing around a yard. It’s important to prepare for your new pup early because he will be part of your family for years to come! The cost of building a fence can range from $4 per foot up to $10 per foot depending on which material you choose. In many cases, the cheapest option is wood fencing at about $4 per foot or steel at about $8 per foot. The most expensive options are usually wrought iron and chain link; these can cost anywhere from $15 per foot up to $25 per foot. Some fencing costs more than others, but it’s important to realize that if you choose the cheapest option, you may have trouble with the fence later. Every fence has a lifespan and once it reaches its life span, it has to