5 Things To Consider When Building A New Fence

 Building a fence can be a great way to add a level of security and protection to your property. There are a few things you should consider before starting the process though, in order to avoid any potential pitfalls or mistakes.  Though, if you need professional help you can consider getting help from a fence company near Bellevue WA

Fences can be an easy way to turn your yard into a functional outdoor space, but it's important you remember some of the rules of fence design before building one. Here are 5 Things To Consider When Building a New Fence. 

1. Your neighbors and your neighbor's property- First and foremost, be sure to think about the well-being of your neighbors when you are designing your fence. A common mistake people make is making a wood or metal fence too close to their own property (on the property line). The problem with this is that if their own property becomes damaged by lightning, falling limbs, or erosion due to strong winds, they may need to take action. If you contact an attorney or real estate agent who has experience in fence design and installation, he/she may be able to help you determine if your fence will cause any issues with neighboring properties. For professional help with the fences, you can get in touch with a fence company in Seattle and get the best help. 

2. The purpose of the fence- An important thing to think about when building a fence is what you want it to accomplish. Are you trying to improve your security? Are you trying to keep out wild animals? Do you want to keep people out, or keep people in? Any answers you come up with should be included in your plan before installing the fence.

3. Fence height- Next, consider how high or low you'd like your fence to be built. You should plan for the most secure way for it to meet the guidelines of your local government, but local regulations are often different from county-to-county or state-to-state. For example, if you intend to keep out wild animals with your fence, you should plan on building a fence that is several feet higher than the minimum height for your area.

4. The type of fencing possible– For aesthetic purposes, and depending on your needs and needs of your property and neighbors, there are several types of fences you can install: chain link fences (also called "barbed wire"), wood fences, vinyl or aluminum fences (most commonly used), or brick walls. Choosing the right type of fencing also depends on the materials available to you and/or your neighbors. Additionally, keep in mind what materials depend on which region of the country you live in. For example, a wooden fence might not be a good choice in areas where wood-damaging insects and termites are common. For help, you can get in touch with the Des Moines fence company and get the best help from them. 

5. The cost of the fence- then, estimate the cost of your new fence. You should know this before you begin to build one so that you're not surprised with higher-than-expected bills at the end of the job. In order to do this, you'll want to get several bids from local contractors who specialize in fence installation and design. If you plan on installing a wood or metal fence for your yard, certified contractors can give you estimates based on what materials will be most cost-effective for your needs. 

Call Bellevue Fencing for fence installation today. If you're looking for a high-quality fence, or if you want to make sure your new fence will not cause issues with your neighbors, it's best to leave the installation and design of your fence to a professional. A specialist can give you advice on the best ways to build a functional and secure new fence, plan the height and type of fencing that will protect you most effectively from potential dangers or trespassers. A professional can also create a plan that is sure to pass inspection with local government regulations based on your needs and wants for your property.

How to choose the right fencing company for your fence building?

If you are building a wood fence, check with your local building department or contact a local fence company for approval of aluminum, chain link, or vinyl. Select the fencing material that addresses your needs of privacy, protection from broken glass, wildlife repellants, and lastly security. 

Be sure that you have checked with your local building department to see if there are any height limitations on the type of fence you desire.

Always check with your local government zoning board before ordering materials for taller fences to see what they have to say about height restrictions in the area where they are located, in order to avoid any problems in getting permits or in compliance with zoning ordinances. Check with the local building department to see if there are any height limitations on fences. Check with the local building department to see if there are any height limitations on fences. Most often, if your fence is less than 3 feet tall you will not need a permit and will be able to install your fence without any difficulties. However, it is best to check with the zoning board before ordering materials for taller fences in order to get an idea of what they say about height restrictions in the area where they are located, in order to avoid any problems in getting permits or in compliance with zoning ordinances.

Although you can install vinyl or fiberglass fencing yourself, it is recommended that you hire a professional fence installation company for this task for more help you can get in touch with the best fence company in Seattle i.e. Bellevue Fencing, and get the best help from them. They can ensure that your fence is installed safely and securely and is in compliance with local zoning board regulations.


It is important to note that depending on the type of fence you will be constructing, there are certain fencing construction guidelines that you might need to follow in order to avoid any unwanted problems. Visit your local building department to see what they will need before planning your design and building your new fence. If you are looking for a high-quality fence, or if you want to make sure that your new fence will not cause issues with your neighbors, it's best to leave the installation and design of your fence to a professional. A specialist can give you advice on the best ways of building a functional and secure new fence, plan the height and type of fencing so it'll protect you most effectively from potential dangers or trespassers. For more help, call us at 425-620-3484 and get the best help. 


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