What Can I do to Keep My Aluminum Fence in Good Shape?


1. Level the Grade

You may be tempted to put up your fence without considering whether or not the grade around your house is leveled properly. However, it's important to take this into account when you're fixing your backyard. Even if you're using a wooden fence or vinyl, grading affects the shape and size of fences and other structures. One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when it comes to grading is changing it only on one side of the house. This can cause shifting in the ground around your yard, so make sure you have proper drainage and elevation on both sides of your home.

2. Secure the Fence

Once you have a properly-graded yard, it's important to take some preventative measures on how to secure your aluminum fence. The adjustment in grade can cause your fence to tilt and buckle, especially if you're using an aluminum fence that doesn't have posts buried underground. We recommend putting in extra posts or anchors to help keep your fence supported and prevent uneven pressure on one side. If you're using a wooden or vinyl fence, the problem is likely going to be a bit different, but it's still possible for these types of fences to sink into the ground and cause buckling issues as well. 

3. Use Quality Fence Posts & Anchors

If you're using aluminum fencing, it's very important to make sure that you are using quality fence posts and anchors. Aluminum is a very strong material, but it can buckle and warp if it isn't well insulated from the ground. For this reason, we recommend installing a concrete footing before you install your aluminum fence and then adding the posts directly on top of that. We typically recommend at least 8 inches of concrete or stamped concrete before you install your aluminum fence in your yard or driveway. Once that is finished, we then add the anchors to secure the posts in place to prevent them from shifting back and forth during heavy winds or with seasonal changes in temperature. 

4. Upgrade to a Higher Quality Aluminum Fence

If you're building a new house, there are plenty of choices in aluminum fences that are more resistant to buckling, sagging, and warping over time. When you're making the decision on your fence type, we recommend choosing one that is made with the highest quality material available. Since the most common causes for buckling are improper grading and not securing the posts properly in place, it's important to make sure your fence is made from a higher-quality aluminum that can withstand these conditions for long periods of time. There are also many options available if you would like your fence to provide full coverage and privacy from the outside world. For help with this, get in touch with the Island fence company and get the best help. 

5. Use a Quality Foundation

Another important factor in preventing your fence from buckling on its own is to use a high-quality foundation. Many times, homeowners will try to fix the problem by adding more posts or nails to secure the fence in place, but this won't work if you don't have a solid foundation in place, to begin with. If you're using a wooden fence or vinyl fencing, we recommend installing the posts directly onto your home's foundation wall. This is an excellent way to secure your fence so that it doesn't shift or buckle on its own. If you need expert help with the same, then consider getting in touch with an aluminum fence company in Puget and get the best help. 

6. Consider Other Landscaping Options

Though it's not necessary to use a high-quality yard grading contractor to maintain your aluminum fencing, we do recommend adding other landscaping features that can help prevent your fence from buckling and shifting in the future. If you have an uneven grade around your house, you may be tempted to use stepping stones or wall brackets around the yard. These steps will help create even elevation for your yard, which reduces the risk of shifting during heavy winds or storms.


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