Advice On How To Paint A Wooden Garden Fence

Painting wooden fences is a fun, creative yet challenging project. But in order to make sure you don't lose your mind trying to do this project yourself, here are some helpful tips that will help you finish the job with ease. 

1. Choose the right fence for your job. Paint a fence that's an inch smaller in width than the width and height of your property. For example, if you have a ten-foot tall fence, paint your fence at nine feet tall and six feet wide. This way you can finish painting your project in one day. For help, you can consult Bellevue Fencing. 

2. Prepare the surface area by removing all weeds or debris from both sides of the wooden fence before starting to paint it. 

3. Paint the wood with chalkboard paint so that you can easily see where you have already painted or what needs to be repainted again later on when finishing up with it later on in time. 

4. When it is time to remove the chalkboard paint from your fence, use a regular household cleaner and make sure that you apply some pressure when spraying this cleaner on the wooden fence. This way you will be able to easily remove the chalkboard paint without any additional hassle. 

5. Consider using a roller to paint your fence instead of using a spray gun or brush. It is usually easier and it will help you save time in the long run as this method doesn't require any additional steps like cleaning up a brush or cleaning up your tools. For expert help, consult des moines fence company and get the best help. 

6. Use at least two coats of wood stain while painting the wooden fence if it has an unpainted layer underneath. This way the wood will become protected and less prone to water damage. 

7. Use a paintbrush to paint the wooden fence in order to make any additional adjustments that need to be made in order to create an even and smooth surface after the wood has dried out completely.

Things to keep in mind before painting the wooden fence.

1. Paint the fence at least two or three weeks before the last snowfall or rainstorm. Why? Because the wood will begin to warp and expand according to how much moisture there is in each new season.

2. Paint only one coat of paint on your wooden fence because you don't want a layer of paint to dry out before you've even started painting, and you don't want a thick layer that can possibly crack when it's time to remove it.

3. Brush your brush and roller very lightly just in case there are any knots or dead spots when applying paint on your wooden fence. Otherwise, the paint will be absorbed into these areas and it will cause the paint to crack.

4. Put some plastic bags around your baseboards while applying paint to your wooden fence. If any paint spills onto your baseboards you can easily remove this mess with a sponge or a rag without having to repaint them. 

Wood fences are a great addition to any home, but before you start painting one there's something you need to know about these wooden structures. 

1. All wood fences expand and contract as the seasons change, so it's important that you measure your fence at least three times in order to ensure that all dimensions are correct for each season and year. For help, get in touch with the best fence company in Bellevue WA. 

2. Wood that has not been treated with a weatherproof coating will begin to warp, crack and lose its original shape in just a few years. It's important that you choose a wood stain or paint that's meant for waterproofing wooden fences to ensure that it'll last for a long time without any additional upkeep required.

3. Painting a wooden fence is the easiest and fastest way to change the look of your home in just one day! The painting also helps to protect your fence from rotting, peeling off, and becoming damaged by harsh weather conditions as well as insects and rodents. 

4. The only time that you should repaint a wooden fence is when it has a layer of unpainted wood underneath it. 

5. To protect your wooden fence from harmful weather and harsh sunlight in the summer, use at least two coats on your wood fence if there's an unpainted layer underneath it. If this wood is stained or painted, then only one coat of paint will be enough to protect the structure. 

6. Find the perfect paint color for your wooden fence. Adding a simple wood stain to the wood will help keep it from changing color or warping during the summer seasons, while a regular paint color makes it easier to maintain and clean at any given time.

7. It's usually best to look for paint that's made specifically for outdoor use because it won't crack, chip, or peel away as regular paint can. 

8. Make sure that you choose the right fence type before you start painting your wooden fence. For example, pick vertical wood fencing if you have a very small yard and choose horizontal wood fencing if your property is large and open-aired. 

9.  It's important that you choose the right paintbrush to paint your fence with in order to create an even and smooth surface. For example, choose a paintbrush with nylon bristles if you're using a regular household cleaner and pick a brush with natural bristles if you're using a finish-type paint on your wooden fence. 

10. Use the right color of paint on your wooden fence so that it matches the color of your property or house walls. If the fence is one solid color, then consider matching it up with the same color as an accent wall or as part of your front door trim design instead of trying to match it up as part of your landscaping or garden area. 

11.  If you're going to paint your wooden fence one time, then choose a wood stain that's designed to help protect your wood fence from the effects of harsh weather conditions in the summer and winter. If the fence is made out of wood with a layer under it, however, then you can use regular paint on it instead. 

12. Make sure that you apply enough pressure while painting your wooden fence using a roller or a brush to make sure that it's completely covered in one coat of paint by the end of the day in order to avoid any unnecessary cracking when applying additional coats later on in time.


To paint the wooden fence or not to paint the wooden fence. That is the question you need to ask yourself before you start your project.

There's no right or wrong answer when it comes to painting your wooden fence because each homeowner has their own reasons for wanting to personalize their homes with a new exterior design. For help with the same, you can consult Bellevue Fencing. For more information, call us at 425-620-3484 and get the best help. 


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