Automated gates step up the protection of home or business

There are many reasons for installing an automated gate. The first and foremost is the safety of the property and its occupants. Automated gates provide a physical barrier to prevent unwanted intrusions, such as thieves, vandals, and trespassers. Gate automation also prevents unwanted injuries or deaths, as unattended gates can swing freely and strike people on bicycles, in cars, or on foot.

Automated gates are also a top priority for homeowners with children. Parents can rest easy knowing that automated gates will not be left open and that their young children will not be able to wander into a dangerous situation.

For people with disabilities who are unable to open and close manual gates, automated gates provide the same safety benefits but allow them to continue living independently in their own homes. or trespassers. Automated gates can also limit access to authorized personnel only. Some businesses choose to install an automated gate in order to regulate their employees’ hours of work during off-peak hours or in case of emergencies where the business is closed and all staff need extra security outside the premises at any given time.

An automated gate is a safety and convenience enhancement for any homeowner or a business owner.

1. Automated gates are safe for people and pets

Automated gates are proven to be a safer alternative to traditional manual gates. Gate automation eliminates the risk of human error, as manual gates can be left open, left unattended, or accidentally set without a barrier in place. It’s also difficult for someone on a bicycle or on foot to make sure that their path is cleared of the gate before entering the property. With an automated gate, all risk factors are eliminated from the equation as there is no way that an unattended gate will strike someone while they pass through it.

2. They’re theft-proof

Automated gates are more than just a safe barrier to keep people out. They ensure that no one can walk through the gate without authorization. As they are not intended to be left open, they make it virtually impossible for anyone unauthorized to enter a property. Because the automated gate is sealed and is not operated by anyone, it makes it very difficult for an intruder to access the property from the outside and will not allow anyone who has not made prior arrangements with the owner or administrator of the property access.

3. Access control at the gate

Automated gates are programmed to detect the presence of an intruder and to immediately respond by opening. The electronic gate may also sound an alarm, alerting family members and others in the neighborhood. This is especially effective when an automated gate is designed with eavesdropping capabilities, which can be activated by a sensor on a window outside the home or business.

4. Easier picking of locks

The most common reason homeowners lose access to their property is that they forget or misplace the key. An automated gate responds instantly with a programmed response when someone passes through it, preventing anyone from entering without permission. The owner can program the gate to respond to a certain sound or combination of sounds.

5. Automated gates are affordable

As more and more people experience the benefits of automated gates, their popularity has grown. They are easy to install and do not require a professional to operate them. They can be programmed with access codes specific to individual locations, as well as an alarm feature designed for use in off-peak hours when the gates are closed or if unexpected events transpire in the business or home. This is an especially important safety consideration when an automated gate is used at an office building entrance during non-working hours.

6. The gate is nearly invisible

Automated gates are designed to blend in with their surroundings, keeping them unobtrusive unless they are needed. They use an external power source, which is concealed by the gate and mounted off property lines. This not only keeps thieves from seeing it but also provides additional security for burglaries and security breaches as thieves will not be able to see into the wall cavity where the wires are located. Many gates can be programmed to respond to a code, or combination of codes that make them act differently on both sides of the property line if they detect that someone has entered without permission on one side while the alarm is activated on the other side.

7. Gates are available in many materials

Automated gates can be constructed from wood, steel, PVC, and aluminum. They are also made from any combination of these materials to best meet the aesthetic needs of the homeowner or business owner. Various finishes can be applied to make them look more like a part of their surroundings as well as apply a weather sealant to protect them from rusting and other weather-related damage.

8. Easy maintenance for automated gates

Because an automated gate is not operated by anyone on a regular basis it is easy to maintain without the need for a professional. Just like any other piece of equipment, a damaged or broken automated gate can be removed and replaced with a new one. This is especially important to consider when the gate needs to be removed for repairs, replacement, or for other reasons.

9. An automated gate is energy efficient

Automated gates are powered by external power lines that are concealed by the gate. This allows them to blend in with their surroundings and prevents anyone from seeing where the power source is located. Since they are not attached directly to the building this also provides a degree of security from vandals who may attempt to tear them from around the building if they feel threatened. The amount of electricity needed for this process can often be less than that used for lighting, etc. in the surrounding area.

10. The gate can be programmed remotely, if necessary

This aspect of automated gates is one of their best features. If a person is looking to buy or locate an automated gate and they are located in a rural setting or community where there is no power available, but electricity is available in the community immediately beyond the property line, and it is difficult for someone to drive to their property without running power lines through their property. This can be done with wireless remote control that uses satellite positioning to determine exactly which property has been entered into by the owner or business owner. When they arrive at their property, they simply press a button on the remote control system, which sends a signal to activate the gates.

If you need more information about automated gates, please call 425-620-3484 or contact us online.

Conclusion: There are many reasons why you should consider an automated gate. In addition to the security benefits they can provide, you will save money by not having to hire a professional to control or use a gate. You will also save time as gates respond immediately and are easy to install.



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